Walking with Purpose

Walking With Purpose ​is a national women's Catholic scripture study with the goal of bringing women into a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Our ministry at St Louis Church, spans all seasons of life, and all faiths are welcome.  We grow together by drawing upon the wisdom of those who are more experienced and absorbing the enthusiasm of those who are just beginning their journey. 

Our program consists of at-home personal study, weekly small group meetings and monthly community gatherings (Coffee Connect) which link your everyday challenges ​with the solutions given through the teachings of Christ and the Roman Catholic Church.

NOW is the time to register for our Spring Study Starting January 2025!

If you would like to register for the study follow the Three Steps to Register at the bottom of this page.

Thursday Morning Bible Studies

Thursday Mornings, 9:30 -11:00 am, Clunan Center

Passionate Discipleship

Study of 2 Timothy

Throughout Church history, men and women have spent their lives on mission, committed to spreading the gospel message. They were disciples who made disciples. What does that look like for the Catholic woman today? How do we practically follow in their footsteps, ensuring that the message of Jesus Christ continues to reach every nation and generation? 

Passionate Discipleship is a Bible study focused on equipping women to know Christ and to make Him known. Throughout this Bible study, we will study 2 Timothy verse by verse as we immerse ourselves in Paul’s last and deeply personal letter to his beloved friend and mentee, Timothy.

Monday Evening Bible Studies

Monday Evenings, JPII,  6-7:30 pm

Passionate Discipleship

Study of 2 Timothy

Passionate Discipleship is a Bible study focused on equipping women to know Christ and to make Him known. Throughout this Bible study, we will study 2 Timothy verse by verse as we immerse ourselves in Paul’s last and deeply personal letter to his beloved friend and mentee, Timothy.

Trust us. This may be your best YES ever.


Step 1

Complete Registration Form and Choose Your Study

Step 2

 Pay* $10.00 Hospitality Fee Online – Under OTHER: Walking With Purpose

If you were a participant in the Fall Study - this fee is not required if you already paid.

Step 3

Order* the Study Guide at Walking With Purpose Website 

Spring Study is Passionate Discipleship 



Melissa Krylowicz (Thursday Coordinator) or Julie Trayal (Monday Coordinator)

*We will not turn any women away for Financial Reasons, Please email WWP@STLOUISMEMPHIS.ORG if you are in need of a WWP Scholarship.